Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We are currently reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen in our reading class. I know that you are really enjoying this book, just as I promised you would! One of our comprehension skills is identifying conflicts and resolutions in the plot of a story. What are some of Brian's conflicts since the plane crash? If you were Brian, what steps would you take to resolve those conflicts?


  1. One of Brian's conflicts was that he didn't have any food. If i was Brian i would make a lot of traps and try to catch some kind of animal for food.

  2. Hatchet is a pretty good book but just cant wait to get to the end of the book.Cause I want to see if Brain gets rescued.If I was there I would of bringed a surviveal knife.

  3. if i where brian i would build a fire to keep the masquetoes away.

  4. some of brians conflicts are that he's on this island stranded from the plane crash and doesnt have food or shelter and he doesnt know what kinds of animals are there and if they are dangerous.If i were brian i would find shelter,food and try to find a plane flying by and get help.

  5. One of Brian's conflicts is that he can't find anything to eat. If I was Brian I would go around and try to find food and use his hatchet to kill animals.

  6. one of brians conflicts is he doesnt have any food. if i was brian i would try to see if i can make a lot of traps and get food.

  7. Some of brians conflicts are that he's on a island stranded from a plain crash and doesn't have any food.Also he doesn't have any clue what kind of animals are out there. If I was brian would try to find food and find shelter as fast as I could.

  8. brian had a hard time cause the plane crash but then he made shelter he provided food and water and now hes getting every thing situated

  9. You all have some ideas that I think would really be helpful to Brian in trying to solve his conflicts! Setting traps, using the hatchet to kill animals, and working to build better shelters are all things that could improve his life in the wilderness.

    We discussed some of Brian's character traits in class. You said that you thought he was determined, courageous, brave, and motivated to survive and accomplish his goals. Brian seems like he would be a great role model!
