Thursday, October 15, 2009

Changes In Matter

For the past two days in class, you have been looking closely at a small section of text with your group members. Today, you worked cooperatively with each other to share your important learning with your classmates.

1) How did teaching your classmates help you as a learner?

2) Share something you learned that you feel is important for us to know.


  1. I think it helped me becuase I had to look up the page I was assighned and teach my classmates in my own words so everyone gets my lesson.

  2. it helped us compare more and help's us with the test and the brainpop test's and expermints .

  3. Teaching my classmates helped me because I can learn more while i'm teaching.It is important for us to know because,it helps you understand better

  4. It helped me as a learner because when I got confused the class helped me out with what it was.

  5. It helped me as a learner because I read a book about matter and Miss Cox was teaching us about it and now we are learning about acids and bases in Miss Cox's class and it is fun

  6. I think the important thing is to know about right now is acids and bases

  7. It helped me by teaching the class to get over being stage fright but,thats not really on subject so something I learned was when you bake a cake it doesn't change it forms . Next time we do this i will be really excited!!! RollTide!!!!

  8. While i was teaching I was learning about what i wrote down because it gave me information about reactions with replacement and other cool things.:)

  9. I am so glad that this activity helped your understanding. You all did a fantastic job presenting to your classmates. We learned a lot from you! :)

  10. It helped me teach the class because some of the stuff that I read and learned about like people dieing from a simple cut I did not know half of the stuff that I read I did not know.

  11. I felt like a teacher teaching the class something.I learned something to.

  12. Teaching my classmates helped me because I had help so I was not scared my group had worked hard and i think we did good so Miss Cox is a awsome science teacher!

  13. I learned not to mess with dangerous chemical

  14. I learned that Karl Benz made the first car to run on gas.

  15. I think i know who killed sam westing do you I think it is grace wexler.

  16. Miss cox How big is a star

  17. Miss cox jakobie an brady are cool when it come to space
