Thursday, October 15, 2009

Things good readers do...

Think about yourself as a reader. In our conversations during reading, we have been talking about the importance of comprehension or understanding what you read. So far, we have talked about following our inner voices, noticing when we lose our focus, and talking through text with a partner. When I read a great book, I notice things as I read and ask questions just like you. When I am finished with an awesome book, guess what I want to do first? I want to share with a friend about what I read! Many times, it helps me connect to the book even more. How does talking to a friend about what you read help your comprehension?


  1. It helps me because if you tell a freind to read the book that you had told them about and you missed some good imformtion that they got they can tell you what it was so you can reread it and understand what they were trying to tell you about. love you Tyler

  2. so that you know that you are not the only person that has read the book

  3. It helps me by if I tell my friend about something I read and I don't understand it , they might understand it . Your friends can always help you well maybe , but I gotomyfriends when I need help understanding!!!!

  4. Absolutely! Discussing what we read with a friend helps us notice small details that we may have missed when reading. Friends are great helpers, and we can learn so much more together than on our own.

  5. miss cox fifth grade rocks lol

  6. When I read a book I like to stop and think about the book. Sometimes I say to myself is this book a text to world,text to self, and text to text. I love to share the books I read with others and I Encourage others to read the book I read.

  7. So probley they could want to know more about
    the book or a sumery of the book so they could
    read the book 4 fun

  8. somtimes when i read a voice come to me and ask me what am i reading about and somtimes i jot down notes and answer the questions that come to me

  9. It also helps me when after readind a book to tell a freind becaue they might have already read the book that you told them to read and you and your frend and you might have to sit down and tell what you read about and you and your freind might have diffrent thoughts about the book and you can sit down and tell what you thoughts were and then your friend that you told to read it can tell you what the had more questions about and then you can share what you had more questions about so that is what I think.

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